Tuesday, May 8, 2012

1 Nephi 5&6 Forgiving Families

Nephi really gets into doctrine later on in 1 Nephi and especially in 2 Nephi, but I love the beginning of the Book of Mormon so much. Refreshing isn't exactly the best word for it, but it's interesting to see an ancient family struggle with the same things modern families struggle with. It's easy to see all the wrong things that went on in Lehi and Sariah's family, but a lot of good happened too. The Lamanites were not lost forever, and the Nephites enjoyed many stretches of righteousness. So much of the Book of Mormon is on a large scale; we see the ramifications of righteousness v. sin in a whole nation.  1 Nephi is special with its focus on one family. If anything can be learned from them, it is that success comes when we forgive one another. Sometimes we can't meet the lofty goal of doing things right the first time, but we can always forgive. We wouldn't have the principle of forgiveness if it wasn't okay to use it or need it.  

 Successful marriages and families 
are established and maintained 
on principles of faith, prayer, 
repentance, forgiveness, respect, 
love, compassion, work, 
and wholesome recreational activities.
-The Family: A Proclamation to the World

Click here to read the whole The Family: A Proclamation to the World.

Do you think Nephi forgave this? You bet.

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